Completed: Guildford, Surrey
Acquired unconditionally by Ashill from the Department for Education after being deemed surplus to requirements. Located to the north of Guildford Town Centre, the site was formerly a car garage and sales forecourt, and more recently used as a car park.
The land has been allocated in the Guildford Local Plan for a housing development, to be delivered in the first 5 years of the plan period. After a period of consultation and technical design work, a comprehensive development of 37 new homes is being brought forward through planning.
The site presented a challenge to the design team with significant level changes, a narrow and long shape, and sensitive neighbouring uses with the adjacent allotments and school.
The development will not only provide much need new family housing, but also 40% of the new homes will also be provided as affordable housing to be delivered with a Housing Association Partner. The scheme will be delivered to a high sustainability standard with electric vehicle charging.