Completed: Chertsey, Surrey
Former playing fields owned by a charitable trust, allocated for housing in the Runnymede Local Plan, however there was no suitable vehicular access to the land and no development could come forward without replacement playing fields for the Salesians School.
The former playing fields were some distance from the school requiring trips by minibus and were of a substandard quality with small pitches and poor drainage. The allocated land was acquired by Ashill, as part of a wider land assembly of land to provide a new access road, and also the acquisition of land adjacent to the school for the provision of new state of the art sport pitches, changing rooms and car park.
In addition to the new sports pitches the development of 136 new homes provide much needed housing, a significant provision of affordable housing, significant contributions to local facilities and highways improvements, plus an additional 5 acres of land to be safeguarded for biodiversity enhancements. The scheme has been built by Barratt Homes.